Leah was born on 1/14/09 at 7:29 pm. Her labor was only about 9 hours or so, and remarkably, Mama did it all natural (that dissertation on pain management came in handy). At 8 pounds, 5 ounces, Leah was a "robust" child from the beginning, and already has grown to 9 pounds, 13 ounces (as of hir first month checkup). This Friday we'll be returning to Dr. Marcus, and are looking forward to this month's weigh-in!
Clearly, Leah is a big eater and we're working on a more convenient sleep schedule. We already have had a number of exciting outings... starting with the unfortunate funeral of her great grandfather, and more recently the 95th birthday party for her other great grandfather! She has met most of her extended family by now, including her aunt, uncle, grandparents (of course), and many of mom and dad's cousins. Her own cousins are down in Florida now, and hopefully they'll meet soon!
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